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Configuring Bareos to store backups on Gluster

This description assumes that you already have a Gluster environment ready and configured. The examples use as a Round Robin DNS name that can be used to contact any of the available GlusterD processes. The Gluster Volume that is used, is called backups. Client systems would be able to access the volume by mounting it with FUSE like this:

# mount -t glusterfs /mnt

Bareos contains a plugin for the Storage Daemon that uses libgfapi. This makes it possible for Bareos to access the Gluster Volumes without the need to have a FUSE mount available.

Here we will use one server that is dedicated for doing backups. This system is called The Bareos Director is running on this host, together with the Bareos Storage Daemon. In the example, there is a File Daemon running on the same server. This makes it possible to backup the Bareos Director, which is useful as a backup of the Bareos database and configuration is kept that way.

Bareos Installation

An absolute minimal Bareos installation needs a Bareos Director and a Storage Daemon. In order to backup a filesystem, a File Daemon needs to be available too. For the description in this document, CentOS-7 was used, with the following packages and versions:

The Gluster Storage Servers do not need to have any Bareos packages installed. It is often better to keep applications (Bareos) and storage servers on different systems. So, when the Bareos repository has been configured, install the packages on the server:

# yum install bareos-director bareos-database-sqlite3 \
              bareos-storage-glusterfs bareos-filedaemon \

To keep things as simple as possible, SQlite it used. For production deployments either MySQL or PostgrSQL is advised. It is needed to create the initial database:

# sqlite3 /var/lib/bareos/bareos.db < /usr/lib/bareos/scripts/ddl/creates/sqlite3.sql
# chown bareos:bareos /var/lib/bareos/bareos.db
# chmod 0660 /var/lib/bareos/bareos.db

The bareos-bconsole package is optional. bconsole is a terminal application that can be used to initiate backups, check the status of different Bareos components and the like. Testing the configuration with bconsole is relatively simple.

Once the packages are installed, you will need to start and enable the daemons:

# systemctl start bareos­sd
# systemctl start bareos­fd
# systemctl start bareos­dir
# systemctl enable bareos­sd
# systemctl enable bareos­fd
# systemctl enable bareos­dir

Gluster Volume preparation

There are a few steps needed to allow Bareos to access the Gluster Volume. By default Gluster does not allow clients to connect from an unprivileged port. Because the Bareos Storage Daemon does not run as root, permissions to connect need to be opened up.

There are two processes involved when a client accesses a Gluster Volume. For the initial phase, GlusterD is contacted, when the client received the layout of the volume, the client will connect to the bricks directly. The changes to allow unprivileged processes to connect, are therefore twofold:

  1. In /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol the option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on needs to be added on all storage servers. After the modification of the configuration file, the GlusterD process needs to be restarted with systemctl restart glusterd.
  2. The brick processes for the volume are configured through a volume option. By executing gluster volume set backups server.allow-insecure on the needed option gets set. Some versions of Gluster require a volume stop/start before the option is taken into account, for these versions you will need to execute gluster volume stop backups and gluster volume start backups.

Except for the network permissions, the Bareos Storage Daemon needs to be allowed to write to the filesystem provided by the Gluster Volume. This is achieved by setting normal UNIX permissions/ownership so that the right user/group can write to the volume:

# mount -t glusterfs /mnt
# mkdir /mnt/bareos
# chown bareos:bareos /mnt/bareos
# chmod ug=rwx /mnt/bareos
# umount /mnt

Depending on how users/groups are maintained in the environment, the bareos user and group may not be available on the storage servers. If that is the case, the chown command above can be adapted to use the uid and gid of the bareos user and group from On the Bareos server, the output would look similar to:

# id bareos
uid=998(bareos) gid=997(bareos) groups=997(bareos),6(disk),30(tape)

And that makes the chown command look like this:

# chown 998:997 /mnt/bareos

Bareos Configuration

When bareos-storage-glusterfs got installed, an example configuration file has been added too. The /etc/bareos/bareos-sd.d/device-gluster.conf contains the Archive Device directive, which is a URL for the Gluster Volume and path where the backups should get stored. In our example, the entry should get set to:

Device {
  Name = GlusterStorage
  Archive Device = gluster://
  Device Type = gfapi
  Media Type = GlusterFile

The default configuration of the Bareos provided jobs is to write backups to /var/lib/bareos/storage. In order to write all the backups to the Gluster Volume instead, the configuration for the Bareos Director needs to be modified. In the /etc/bareos/bareos-dir.conf configuration, the defaults for all jobs can be changed to use the GlusterFile storage:

JobDefs {
  Name = "DefaultJob"
#  Storage = File
  Storage = GlusterFile

After changing the configuration files, the Bareos daemons need to apply them. The easiest to inform the processes of the changed configuration files is by instructing them to reload their configuration:

# bconsole
Connecting to Director backup:9101
1000 OK: backup-dir Version: 14.2.2 (12 December 2014)
Enter a period to cancel a command.

With bconsole it is also possible to check if the configuration has been applied. The status command can be used to show the URL of the storage that is configured. When all is setup correctly, the result looks like this:

*status storage=GlusterFile
Connecting to Storage daemon GlusterFile at backup:9103
Device "GlusterStorage" (gluster:// is not open.

Create your first backup

There are several default jobs configured in the Bareos Director. One of them is the DefaultJob which was modified in an earlier step. This job uses the SelfTest FileSet, which backups /usr/sbin. Running this job will verify if the configuration is working correctly. Additional jobs, other FileSets and more File Daemons (clients that get backed up) can be added later.

A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
     1: BackupClient1
     2: BackupCatalog
     3: RestoreFiles
Select Job resource (1-3): 1
Run Backup job
JobName:  BackupClient1
Level:    Incremental
Client:   backup-fd
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=1

The job will need a few seconds to complete, the status command can be used to show the progress. Once done, the messages command will display the result:

  JobId:                  1
  Job:                    BackupClient1.2015-09-30_21.17.56_12
  Termination:            Backup OK

The archive that contains the backup will be located on the Gluster Volume. To check if the file is available, mount the volume on a storage server:

# mount -t glusterfs /mnt
# ls /mnt/bareos

Further Reading

This document intends to provide a quick start of configuring Bareos to use Gluster as a storage backend. Bareos can be configured to create backups of different clients (which run a File Daemon), run jobs at scheduled time and intervals and much more. The excellent Bareos documentation can be consulted to find out how to create backups in a much more useful way than can get expressed on this page.